Friday, April 11, 2008

her answer to his proposal

January 18th 9:48am when I received a message from Twinkle. asking me if I could make her a valentine cake. Giving me the freedom to design her cake. The most important thing.. it will represent her answer to Eric's wedding proposal.

2weeks after.. the design just came into my mind. I was thinkin of puzzle thing, it is much better than a plain cake with a yes on it. To show elegance and best result, i could only think of one.. it should be made of fondant icing. Today, Feb 14, 2008... around 8:33am I arrived at his office.. brought along my cam and the v-cake! I was so happppyyy.. Life may not be that perfect for me, but this day I'm happy coz I made this couple so happy. A very fulfilling experience for me. From conceptualizing to baking and cake decorating, delivery and documenting Eric's reaction when he put together those chips to know her message. wow! It was funny, memorable and I couldnt describe his reactions.. he didnt expect it! hmm.. I gave him a hint coz he couldnt figure out what the message was all about.. love love love!!!!!

It was a nice Valentines Day for Eric & Twinkle.


Behind The Lens

Behind The Lens

My name is Jade.

Im a Cake Artist, Photographer & a Painter.

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