Friday, April 11, 2008

Dan & Apple's Wedding Cake

I tried using my cam on Dan & Apples Wedding Cake...
After decorating, I went to Park Lane Hotel to deliver the cake
A funny experience, for the first time I met the Sister of the groom who has been communicating with me for few days before the wedding. "Trust" .. I trusted the family coz they were referred to me by my first teacher in cake decorating. The sad thing was I haven't met the Dan and Apple in person:)

Also, I met a famous wedding photographer... Jim Ubalde
We had a short conversation about photography

Like me, he is using D80 too..
but he is using it as his spare cam coz he has a D300

some of my shots...


Behind The Lens

Behind The Lens

My name is Jade.

Im a Cake Artist, Photographer & a Painter.

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